About Vertical.lol
Vertical.lol aims to be a support hub for Vertical SaaS founders by providing little tools as well as a small but engaged community. We believe that the future for Vertical SaaS is bright. Building software products is easier and cheaper than ever before. Niches that were unatractive before suddenly become attractive.
Overtime we will publish little helper tools for Vertical SaaS founders here. We start with a Naics tool to help you find the right market. Many of you might know the excellent article "Picking your market" written by Bob Solomon and Dave Yuan of tidemarkcap. Ideally the market of your Vertical SaaS is gigantic, highly fragmented and has a highly fragmented value chain. In the article tidemarkcap explains how you can use publicly available data to find such a market. The article is pure gold - we can highly recommend reading it. Tidemarkcap also offers a service where you can get data points for five markets in exchange for your personal information. We have built a similar tool that not only allows you to filter by revenue but also by employment numbers and payroll data. You can try out the tool here. It's free and no signup is required.
Image: Naics tool
Small community
If you are interested in a deeper exchange you can also join our Vertical SaaS community. We want the community to stay small at around 20-30 people with a healthy balance of experienced founders and founders who are just starting out but have lots of energy! You can sign up here and we will get back to you.